
Make a donation

Listen to your choir! Give, for the love of choral singing and lively music. As a registered charity, we issue official receipts for income tax purposes.
[email protected]

Photograph by @Maxence Bilodeau 2023

Thank you to our donors

The St. Lambert Choral Society thanks all its donors from the bottom of our hearts. Thank you for your trust and your generosity.

Platinum donors: $1000 or more

Mrs Eren P Halil

Gold donors: $500

Family of Mr. Jean-Marc Tremblay
Dr. Johanne Béliveau

Louise Rousseau
Lucie Rousseau

Silver donors: $250

Henriette D’Aoust
Thérèse David
Fiona Darbyshire
Jennifer and Pierre Martin
Richard Sansfaçon

Bronze donors: $125

Nicole Brière
Betty-Jo Christiani
Claude Fugère
Claudine Genest

Jean-Jacques Grill
Ernst Jouthe
Jean-Claude Perreault
Michael Peters

Mrs. Isabelle Poulet, Deputy for Laporte, David Christiani, Chief Emeritus of the SLCS, Gabrielle Gaudreault, Artistic Director of the SLCS, Mrs. Pascale Mongrain, Mayor of Saint-Lambert, Benjamin Kwong, pianist accompanist of the SLCS. Photograph by @Maxence Bilodeau 2023

Thank you to our partners

The St. Lambert Choral Society warmly thanks its partners, concert presenters and sponsors for their invaluable support.
Thank you for your trust and your loyalty even, and especially, in these times of COVID.

Public Partners

Principal partners

Concert presenter

Major Sponsors


Media Partners

From left to right: Marc Rouleau, Julie Bourgoin and Mme Renée Rouleau. Photograph by ©Maxence Bilodeau 2020

Buy an ad

Contact us to give your business visibility and to show your support for culture. Reserve an advertising space in our colour programs of our concerts, on our website, and on our Facebook page.

[email protected]

Photograph by ©Maxence Bilodeau 2020

Thank you to our volunteers

Thank you to all the team of SLCS volunteers, under the direction of Sylvie Dion, of the Entreclefs.

Join us

The key to our success lies in welcome to our concerts, and that welcome is you!

[email protected]

Photograph by ©Maxence Bilodeau 2020
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